Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Quilt Market: Kansas City Here I Come!

I've got my new...

Wheeee! A little bluebell bag. : )

Little Bluebell Bag,

Fancy Birdie

and a new Birdie Sling,

and I'm off to Quilt Market in Kansas City.  If you'd like to follow along, I'll be posting on flickr and twitter while I'm there.  I'm hoping to squeeze in a blog post too.  If there is anything that you want to see, send me a tweet!  I hear Denyse Schmidt will have her first booth and I'm hoping to see the new Nursery Versery by Heather Ross.

If you want to follow everything that is happening at Quilt Market, search for #quiltmarket on twitter.  Grab a snack first though because I guarantee you'll be there awhile.

PS: For those of you who wanted to see me wearing my new Wiksten tank (you know who you are!) stay tuned.  It's also packed and ready to go.  : )


  1. Have a fabulous time - can't wait to hear the report back!

  2. I think you may need more than two bags to carry all the goodies.... can't wait for the reports and images!

  3. I LOVE your new Birdie Sling. Too cute! Have a great time!

  4. How exciting that you get to go! Have a blast! ;)

  5. Have fun!! I really, really wish I was going -- maybe next year? :)

  6. Ahhh, I was wondering if you were going! Enjoy! Take lots of Instagram pics and then I'll feel like I am there too. ;-)

  7. I can't wait either! (It's my first one) Hope you'll come to the MQG meetup Sat night, I'd love to meet you in person! I'm so unsure what to wear or bring - any tips?

  8. YAAY!!!!! I'll look for your bag and you look for my skirt ;o) Can't wait to see you there!!!!



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