Wednesday, December 17, 2014
Color Walk 010
I was out walking the dog after a storm and everything was dark, muddy and wet. Imagine my surprise when I saw this shock of hot pink and green on the sidewalk. The wind had knocked down this tiny little blossom and it was on the ground just waiting for someone to find it. What a delight! Keep your eyes open, you never know what beauty you will find.
Sometimes when I'm walking, I see something that makes me stop and take a closer look. These color palettes start with a photo I've taken, usually with my phone, and often when I'm out doing ordinary things. Each color swatch is labeled with the coordinating Kona cottons by Robert Kaufman.
Tuesday, December 16, 2014
Starting Something New - Sunday Sail Quilt
I've been collecting fabrics for this project for over a year and recently completed the stack by adding in a little aqua. I stacked it up nicely to shared a photo of it on Instagram and then the fabric just sat there. We've been so busy lately it's been hard to find some sewing time. Luckily, I got to sneak away and sew with some good friends for a couple of hours last Friday night. This project was just the thing to bring and work on.
It's a new version of my Regatta quilt. This time I'm using my Recs tool to cut all of the pieces. The cutting took awhile, but the piecing is going pretty quickly. For the layout, I'm working on clustering the prints together and intentionally placing blocks based on the color and scale of the fabric. This version is less of a race and more of a Sunday stroll that takes place in a boat out at sea. I imagine calm seas, a gentle breeze and the boats gliding about in a peaceful community.
Shortly after I took this photo, our new kitten Max climbed up the design wall and every-single-block fell off. Dang it! It's ok because the blocks needed to be trimmed anyway, but Kitty, stay off the design wall!!!
It's been stormy here and we were all getting a little stir-crazy. When the storm broke and the kids asked to go to the beach, this Mama answered with an emphatic yes. This is the mouth of our harbor and the lighthouse guides the sailors and fisherman home for the night.
Wednesday, December 10, 2014
Color Walk 009
Sometimes when I'm walking, I see something that makes me stop and take a closer look. These color palettes start with a photo I've taken, usually with my phone, and often when I'm out doing ordinary things. Each color swatch is labeled with the coordinating Kona cottons by Robert Kaufman.
I came across these sweet little daisies in a field near our house. My daughter and I picked a wee bouquet and brought them home.
Friday, December 5, 2014
Color Walk 008
Sometimes when I'm walking, I see something that makes me stop and take a closer look. These color palettes start with a photo I've taken, usually with my phone, and often when I'm out doing ordinary things. Each color swatch is labeled with the coordinating Kona cottons by Robert Kaufman.
It was a soft grey morning and the light was dancing off of my favorite necklace. It caught my eye as I was rushing back and forth doing my morning chores. It begged me to stop and play, but I could only stay for a moment.
Thursday, December 4, 2014
Thank you, Mood!
Any Project Runway fans out there? One of my favorite parts of the show is when the designers go fabric shopping at Mood Fabrics. Imagine my surprise and delight when I received my backing fabric in an official Mood bag! It's the little things. : )
My quilt top has been pieced and pressed for over a week, but I wasn't ready to quilt it just yet. I needed to pick out fabric for my quilt back first. At my house, quilts are loved and tossed on the couch and rumpled on the beds. It's wonderful to walk by and see the quilts waiting for their next snuggle session. It also means that you can see the quilt tops and backs all lumped together into one colorful composition.
Part of my quilting process is thinking about how the back of the quilt relates to the front of the quilt. We put so much time and thought into the front of our quilts, why not show the backs a little love too? Yes, it does take a little more time and yes, it can cost a little more. If quilts are going to be part of our home, our lives, and our memories, isn't it worth the time and effort to make them the best they can be?
Choosing a print for the back of a quilt can be a fun juxtaposition to an all solids quilt top. The key is coordinating them is to choose colors that you love from your top and find a fabric that uses those same colors. For this quilt, I loved the grey and the red trees. I wanted something that felt a little bit Christmassy, but would also last us through winter and into spring. I lucked out and found a beautiful grey and red plaid flannel that I think it compliments the quilt and it will also look cozy and all winter as it's slumped on the couch.
Here's to slumping, and quilting, and fabric shopping!
Tuesday, November 25, 2014
Color Walk 007
Sometimes when I'm walking, I see something that makes me stop and take a closer look. These color palettes start with a photo I've taken, usually with my phone, and often when I'm out doing ordinary things. Each color swatch is labeled with the coordinating Kona cottons by Robert Kaufman.One day I looked down and saw these two little green gems next to my feet. I loved how the new green acorns glowed against their straw colored caps. Later, when I was looking at the photo, I noticed how nicely the greens played with the peachy-pink of my cupped hand. Serendipity! The light shinning off my rings elevates all of the other colors.
Thursday, November 20, 2014
Color Walk 006
Sometimes when I'm walking, I see something that makes me stop and take a closer look. These color palettes start with a photo I've taken, usually with my phone, and often when I'm out doing ordinary things. Each color swatch is labeled with the coordinating Kona cottons by Robert Kaufman.
A bonus palette this week! I was sitting working at my kitchen table when I noticed the gorgeous sunshine streaming behind the leaves in my backyard. I've learned over time, that these things don't wait and if you blink the moment disappears. So I grabbed my phone and went outside to try to capture what I saw. After I shared the photo, my friend Susan commented that it would be a nice quilt palette. I think she's onto something! : )
Wednesday, November 19, 2014
Fall Forest QAL: Piecing Tips
If you are just joining in, you can read about the quilt along here and see the original quilt here. PDF patterns are available in my shop and Quilt Kits including fabric, the Tri-Recs tools, and a printed pattern are available at The Intrepid Thread. Everyone is welcome and you can join at any time.
Are you having fun sewing your forests together? It is so awesome seeing everyone working on their projects. I saw one finished quilt so far on Instagram (#fallforestqal). It was backed in aqua minky and it looked so cuddly and gorgeous!
I have a few more tips for you and some process photos of my new winter version of the Fall Forest Quilt. My kids were telling me that if we have a fall forest quilt, and a winter forest quilt, then we also need spring and summer forest quilts. I follow their logic, but oh my goodness that's a lot of trees.
A friend recently had a piece of Kona Poppy bleed onto another fabric while she was ironing it for a project. I'm also using Kona Poppy in my quilt, but I've never had an issue with Kona cottons bleeding so I didn't pre-wash my fabric.
I got nervous when she told me about her experience. There is a lot of white in this quilt. I tested my piece of Kona Poppy and I looked for any sign of the dye coming off. I submerged it in warm water and let it soak, I agitated it with my fingers, let it soak some more and there was no dye in the water. I also ironed the wet red fabric against a scrap of white fabric. Nothing. Then I did it all a second time. I did not have any issues with the color coming off.
If you are concerned about dye running and staining your quilt, please take some precautions. Either pre-wash your fabric, or wash your quilts with color catchers, vinegar, synthrapol, or salt. I am not an expert on any of these methods, but I plan on washing my finished quilt with Shout color catchers just to be safe. I'll post the results here on the blog.
I got nervous when she told me about her experience. There is a lot of white in this quilt. I tested my piece of Kona Poppy and I looked for any sign of the dye coming off. I submerged it in warm water and let it soak, I agitated it with my fingers, let it soak some more and there was no dye in the water. I also ironed the wet red fabric against a scrap of white fabric. Nothing. Then I did it all a second time. I did not have any issues with the color coming off.
If you are concerned about dye running and staining your quilt, please take some precautions. Either pre-wash your fabric, or wash your quilts with color catchers, vinegar, synthrapol, or salt. I am not an expert on any of these methods, but I plan on washing my finished quilt with Shout color catchers just to be safe. I'll post the results here on the blog.
After sewing one block to make sure everything went smoothly, I set up at my machine with stacks of all my pieces. I sat down and sewed everything together one right after the other without clipping my threads in-between. This pattern is perfect for chain piecing because all the trees are the same. It goes by so quickly! You will blink and be done with all of your piecing.
My favorite part about this pattern is arranging the trees and colors into pretty clusters. It is completely modular and so easy to make your quilt unique. A design wall (or floor) is really helpful in creating a layout with your blocks. It allows you to take a step back to look at your quilt with a new perspective. Taking a photo also helps your eyes see it in a different way.
Are you a planner? Do you like to sketch out your design ahead of time and choose your colors carefully? I do that too so I included a coloring page in the pattern.
Are you a planner? Do you like to sketch out your design ahead of time and choose your colors carefully? I do that too so I included a coloring page in the pattern.

When it comes time to sew my quilt top together, I carefully gather up the blocks for each row and pin a label on it. The labels don't have to be anything fancy. I usually write numbers on scrap paper and pin it to the first block in each row. I've also used pieces of painters tape with numbers written on it. They both worked fine. Use whatever you have handy.
When it comes time to sew my quilt top together, I carefully gather up the blocks for each row and pin a label on it. The labels don't have to be anything fancy. I usually write numbers on scrap paper and pin it to the first block in each row. I've also used pieces of painters tape with numbers written on it. They both worked fine. Use whatever you have handy.
There are so many ways to sew and quilt and everyone finds what works for them. I like it when people share why they do it a certain way because then I feel like we can all learn from each other. Here are a couple of things that I do, especially when working with triangles.
Pressing: I like pressing these blocks open so I can see exactly where my triangle points are. This helps me line everything up when I piece them together and I don't cut off the tips. Can you press to the side instead? Yes, you can. : )
Trimming Dog Ears: I like to trim these extra little bits of fabric off. There is less bulk in the finished seams and the blocks have a nice straight edge when I piece them together. Do you have to? Of course not! Leave them in there if you prefer. : )
Pinning: Especially when sewing triangles together, I pay extra attention and pin at the points. I like anything that helps keeps my piecing nice and crisp. Can you do it without pins? Yes, yes you can! : )
Have fun with it and let me know if you have any questions. I will post answers in the comments.
Have fun with it and let me know if you have any questions. I will post answers in the comments.
Tuesday, November 18, 2014
Color Walk 005
Sometimes when I'm walking, I see something that makes me stop and take a closer look. These color palettes start with a photo I've taken, usually with my phone, and often when I'm out doing ordinary things. Each color swatch is labeled with the coordinating Kona cottons by Robert Kaufman.
Wednesday, November 12, 2014
Fall Forest QAL: Quick Tip
If you find your templates/rulers are slipping around too much while you cut, add a few sandpaper dots to the back.
Tuesday, November 11, 2014
Color Walk 004
Sometimes when I'm walking, I see something that makes me stop and take a closer look. These color palettes start with a photo I've taken, usually with my phone, and often when I'm out doing ordinary things. Each color swatch is labeled with the coordinating Kona cottons by Robert Kaufman.
Monday, November 10, 2014
Fall Forest Quilt Along
Welcome to an impromptu Fall Forest quilt along, where we will be making lots of cute little patchwork trees together. Everyone is welcome to participate! I will be posting a few tips here on the blog, but most of the action will be over on Instagram, using the hashtag, #fallforestqal.
These blocks are super easy to make. If you can sew a quarter-inch seam, you can make these blocks! Don't let the triangles scare you. 1) we are doing it together, so you can ask for help at any time 2) there is only a few of them in the actual quilt, so it's a perfect chance to try them out 3) they are sewn into squares, so when it's time to piece your top, you are back to straight edges again. Awesome, right?!

-I highly recommend the Tri-Recs tools. They make the cutting go fast and easy.
-Figure out how many of each color you need to cut and make a list. My cutting list is below if you want to make a quilt like my samples. These are just suggestions. Have fun and experiment with the color ratios in your quilt. Small changes will make a big difference in your final quilt.
-Press and starch your fabric before cutting. This will help keep those bias edges from stretching out of shape as we work. It's not critical, but I find it really helpful.

-I highly recommend the Tri-Recs tools. They make the cutting go fast and easy.
-Figure out how many of each color you need to cut and make a list. My cutting list is below if you want to make a quilt like my samples. These are just suggestions. Have fun and experiment with the color ratios in your quilt. Small changes will make a big difference in your final quilt.
For my fall palette, I cut more trees out of typical fall leaf colors, and then added a few others as supporting colors. They make the main colors pop.
For my winter palette, I chose bright, icy, winter colors and cut more pieces using those colors. Then I went back and added a few darker versions to help ground them and add depth.
-Kits available at The Intrepid Thread (Kits include: Tri-Recs tool option, all the fabric you need to make your quilt top and a printed pattern)
The trees can absolutely be cut from scraps! Each scrap will need to be at least 6" x 6" for the tree tops. Here is a little plaid tree I made using a scrap. A plaid tree? Why not! Have fun with it!! : )
We want to see what you're making! Share your process pictures over on Instagram and make some new Fall Forest friends. You can start at any time. Just share your photos and add #fallforestqal to the description. Check out the hashtag to see what everyone else is making.
If you have any questions, ask below and I will answer in the comments.
If you have any questions, ask below and I will answer in the comments.
Tuesday, November 4, 2014
Color Walk 003
Sometimes when I'm walking, I see something that makes me stop and take a closer look. These color palettes start with a photo I've taken, usually with my phone, and often when I'm out doing ordinary things. Each color swatch is labeled with the coordinating Kona cottons by Robert Kaufman.
Monday, November 3, 2014
Finished Fall Forest Quilt and New Pattern
Name: Fall Forest
Size: 50" x 70"
Pattern: Fall Forest Quilt
Materials: Kona Cottons by Robert Kaufman in snow, stone, honey, ice peach, lipstick, coral, curry, zucchini, peridot, bluegrass and ultra marine.
Quilting: wavy, wood grain(ish) lines in Aurifil #2311
The idea for this quilt started as soon as the seasons began to change from Summer to Fall. I pulled out my Kona color card and picked the dreamiest fall palette I could think of and then I had to decide what to make. This design came to me in my head before I could even get a pencil to sketch with. I knew I wanted simple graphic trees in all of the colors and lots and lots of negative space. My Tri-Recs tools were perfect for this. They made super quick work of cutting out the triangles and half square rectangles with my rotary cutter.
The idea for this quilt started as soon as the seasons began to change from Summer to Fall. I pulled out my Kona color card and picked the dreamiest fall palette I could think of and then I had to decide what to make. This design came to me in my head before I could even get a pencil to sketch with. I knew I wanted simple graphic trees in all of the colors and lots and lots of negative space. My Tri-Recs tools were perfect for this. They made super quick work of cutting out the triangles and half square rectangles with my rotary cutter.
When I shared what I was working on, some sweet friends asked if I would please make a pattern. Of course! : ) So over the last couple of weeks I worked on the quilt by day and the pattern by night. And I'm proud to say after a lot of work, they are both finished. It's a full color printed pattern that includes instructions to make your own quilt, diagrams, color suggestions, templates and a coloring page to customize your own design.
-PDF Pattern now available in my etsy shop
-Kits available at The Intrepid Thread (includes Tri-Recs tool option, fabric and pattern)
Kits available at The Intrepid Thread
Not long after I cut out my fall colors, I started thinking how the forest would look in winter. It turns out it's a modern winter with juicy reds, sour greens, icy blues and misty greys.
I partnered with The Intrepid Thread to stock everything you need to make this quilt from the handy Tri-Rec tools, to all of the Kona cottons (in both the Fall and Winter color palettes) as well as the pattern itself. They have the kits available here and if you order before November 6th, there is a 10% everything sale with promo code: MAKEROOM.
I'll be starting my winter version in the next couple of days and sharing over on instagram. Come and quilt along with me! Grab a button and use the hashtag #fallforestqal. I can't wait to see your projects. : )
A very special shout out Carol, Carol and Marcia. Thank you ladies for all of your kind words and support!
Tuesday, October 28, 2014
Fall Forest In Progress
This has been such a fun quilt to work on. I've found myself sewing every chance I get. Yesterday I finished up the quilting and today is binding day! The quilting is faux-faux-bouis. Yes, that is two fauxs.
Faux bois is French for false wood and it usually includes knot holes when used as a quilting motif. It is also called wood grain quilting. By removing the idea of knot holes I was hoping for a more uniform, all-over texture.
I really wanted the trees and the bold solid colors to be the focus of the quilt, but still I still wanted it to have great texture. In my mind I rationalized it as having a wood grain, nature trail, country road kind of feel. Or if your local, it's like driving up Highway 9. ; )
When I was finished I held it up for my husband to see and his first comment was, "I like how the wavy lines look kind of like wood." Mission accomplished! I didn't even prompt him to say that.
I'm putting the finished touches on the pattern and it will be available really, really soon. Thank you to all who have been asking!
Color Walk 002
Sometimes when I'm walking, I see something that makes me stop and take a closer look. These color palettes start with a photo I've taken, usually with my phone, and often when I'm out doing ordinary things. Each color swatch is labeled with the coordinating Kona cottons by Robert Kaufman.
Tuesday, October 21, 2014
Color Walk 001
Sometimes when I'm walking, I see something that makes me stop and take a closer look. These color palettes start with a photo I've taken, usually with my phone, and often when I'm out doing ordinary things. Each color swatch is labeled with the coordinating Kona cottons by Robert Kaufman.
Thursday, October 2, 2014
Fall Forest Inspiration
Isn't it funny how the colors that surround you every day seep into your imagination and take root? This is what it looks like to walk through my neighborhood this week. It has been a dry, hot summer in California. The leaves feel like they are turning colors out of sheer exhaustion. The temperatures are cooling off (if only slightly) at night and I can see a few brave blades of grass emerging. I'm inspired to make something that captures the feel of this fall.
Thursday, September 18, 2014
Tidal Lace Blog Hop
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Happy Kelp Quilt, Photo by Danielle Collins |
Tidal Lace is the debut fabric line by my friend Kim Andersson for Windham Fabrics. It's a combination of hand drawn lace inspired prints and wee little tide pool creatures like anemones, limpets and sea stars. The color palette has a fresh vintage, seaside feel to it, which I love.
I know Kim through the East Bay Modern Quilt Guild and most of our conversations have revolved around our love of fabric. Shocking, I know. Kim is such a sweet person, always encouraging, curious and quick to smile. It has been so exciting to cheer her on as she made this fabric, her fabric, come to life. Thank you so much Kim for inviting me to share a small part of this journey with you!! : )
I know Kim through the East Bay Modern Quilt Guild and most of our conversations have revolved around our love of fabric. Shocking, I know. Kim is such a sweet person, always encouraging, curious and quick to smile. It has been so exciting to cheer her on as she made this fabric, her fabric, come to life. Thank you so much Kim for inviting me to share a small part of this journey with you!! : )
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Shimmer, Tidal Lace by Kim Andersson |
Shimmer is my absolute favorite print. It comes in three different colors and it is so versatile. The hand drawn lines are killer and the variation of color would add a lot of interest and movement to any patchwork project. Check out this post post on Kim's blog where she talks about her inspiration for each print.
Going with the sea theme, I designed a new quilt called, Happy Kelp. I grew up in a small beach town with excellent tide pools and this collection feels like a little piece of home. I wanted a playful motif that would highlight all of the different prints in the fabric line. Colors were placed to give a scrappy, patchwork feel to the otherwise very structured composition.
Happy Kelp was inspired by the Kelp Forest exhibit at the Monterey Bay Aquarium. Each quilt block is pieced using simple curves. Fabric placement makes the kelp leaves pop right off the watery background.
I quilted the background with an all over meandering pattern to enhance the watery feel and add a great crinkly texture after washing. The kelp is the star of the show and to help it stand out even more from the background, I outlined each leaf using my free-motion foot.
Name: Happy Kelp
Size: 43"x55"
Pattern: Coming Soon!
Fabric: Tidal Lace by Kim Andersson for Windham Fabrics
Thread: Aurifil 50wt #2610, Light Blue Grey
I hope you've enjoyed a closer look at Kim's fabric, Tidal Lace, and my quilt, Happy Kelp. Visit these other blogs for more inspiration and fabric eye-candy!! : )
Mon 15th Sept:
Windham Fabrics
Kim Andersson : I Adore Pattern
Tues 16th Sept:
Erin Harris : House on Hill Road
Amy Gunson : Badskirt
Cath Mosley on Instagram
Wed 17th Sept:
Anne Sullivan : Play Crafts
Stacey Day : Stacey In Stitches
Thurs 18th Sept:
Adrianne Ove : Little Bluebell
Terri Carpenter : The Quilted Fox
Friday 19th Sept:
See How We Sew
Amanda Hohnstreiter : My Sewcial Hour
Sat 20th Sept:
Ann Haley : Sew Messy
Madeleine Roberg : Domestic Strata
Sunday 21st Sept:
Cal Patch : Hodge Podge Farm
Rebecca Ringquist : Drop Cloth
Monday 22nd Sept:
Alicia Wietholter : Swoon Patterns
Stacey Sharman : Peppermint Pinwheels
Tuesday 23rd Sept:
Jen Carlton Bailly : Bettycrockerass
Miriam Blaich : The Berlin Quilter
GIVEAWAY - This giveaway has ended and the winner is Gill! Congratulations!!! : )
Windham Fabrics is giving away a fat quarter bundle of Tidal Lace to one lucky reader! To enter please leave one comment below telling me what you'd like to make. I will randomly select one winner on Wednesday September 24th, 2014. International entries are welcome. The winner will be announced in this post and contacted via email. Good luck everyone!!
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