Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Scrappy Trip Along

When in Rome...

Or, I should say, when on Instagram...

I was catching up with my peeps before I went to sleep and I started seeing all these cool scrappy blocks pop up on my screen.  Brenda had one, then Megan, Katy, Ashley, Rita, Karen, Heather, Cindy, Faith, Megan, Lorelei, Kelly, Tammie (really the list goes on and on)  Yes, they were all making the same block! Together. On Instagram!

I sat straight up and thought, what the heck?! (Yes, I'm that quick, haha) They were all excited, egging each other one, "come on, you know you want to!"

Want to do what?

Make a scrappy trip around the world, of course.


It's easy easy!  It's made with strips and a clever trick with your seam ripper.


Yes!  Come on!  Anyone can do it!

So I did.  And you should too!!!  : D


Free Tutorial from Quiltville
Flickr Group 
#scrappytripalong on Instagram

If you want to read even more about it, see these blog posts
Lucy and Norman 
Film in the Fridge 
Olive and Ollie 
Red Pepper Quilts

First, take the puppy for a walk, because once you start making blocks, you won't want to stop.

Happy New Year,



  1. I am fully and totally planning on joining in, but I know I'm going to be making a late entry, after my company heads out this week :) I love the fabrics you pulled for this!!

  2. Ach! What have you done to me!

  3. Oh no . . . Don't tempt me. I already have one q. In process and another to start but this looks so fun and easy. You devil you. ;-)

  4. I fell for the same thing, all those pretty Instagram photos. enjoy, hugs

  5. What fun! But definately, take the poor puppy for a walk first ... who could resist that face :)

  6. I had a similar experience . . . went to work one day, came home & all of instagram (it seemed) was tripping! I've got just 2 blocks done but plans for more. Following you now; I'm aquilterstable....



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