Sunday, February 20, 2011

Sunday Stash 13

I went in for a ruler and came out with fat quarters.  They were calling to me from the baskets by the counter, "Take me home with you."

From Top to Bottom
1) Felicity by Emily Taylor for Riley Blake
2) Delilah by Tanya Whelan for Free Spirit
3) Delilah by Tanya Whelan for Free Spirit
4) Henna Garden by Sandi Henderson for Michael Miller

I bought these locally at the Granary.

*Note to self, go back for more Delilah!  The whole range is gorgeous and it feels wonderful.


  1. I just bought a bunch of Delilah... I love it. :)

  2. LOL
    That is exactly why I keep putting off picking up the new ruler I want!
    Love the fabrics you chose!

  3. WHile looking at your photo - I was thinking how lovely the Delilah is!!! Can't wait to see how you use them :)

  4. soooooooooooooooooo love those fabrics.....did you get the ruler?

  5. Those fat quarters sure can be a nuisance when they start calling! Gorgeous fabrics.

  6. Seeeew, didja get the ruler? and what ruler was it??



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