Sunday, April 3, 2011

Sunday Stash 14: Australian Style

A bundle of Australian goodness from my good friend Georgia.  She made the apple pincushion.  Isn't it gorgeous?!  You must have a closer look...

I love it!!!  I have to confess that I have not stuck a pin in it yet.  I just move it from room to room.  It makes me smile.  : )  And the fabric.  Oh you must see the fabric.  Some of it is new to me and some of it has been long admired.  All of it is wonderful and made in Australia.  ; )  I included links to all the designers if you want to learn more.

Thank you my friend!!  I feel spoiled rotten.  xx


  1. What awesome loot! I'm jealous Adrienne!

  2. Oh you do make that pincushion look pretty! Would you believe that I've never made one for myself?!
    I'm very glad that you like the fabrics. :-)

  3. I love that pincushion. Is there a pattern somewhere out there? I want one!!

  4. What a gorgeous bundle of pure Aussie goodness!

  5. Lovely pincushion! Nice, nice, nice!

  6. Wonderful package of goodies! That sweet pin cushion really IS adorable. You are a lucky duck!

  7. Wow, those are lovely! I really like the birch trees.

    Such a lucky lady!!

  8. That apple is just perfect! I probably wouldn't want to actually use it as a pincushion either.

  9. That apple pincushion is totally awesome!

  10. i've been loving the australian fabric designers lately, they have great taste!

  11. I want that pincushion. I love the red and aqua. I was admiring some on Etsy and almost clicked buy until I realized that they were selling patterns. I don't want a pattern. I want the real thing. Or a pear. A pear would be fine, too.

  12. Lucky girl!! Love the apple & the fabrics are fabulous!



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