Monday, January 16, 2012

Blocks for The Modern 4x5 Quilt Bee

Modern 4x5 Quilt Bee
California Quilt Block
One of my new bee friends Diane, made a block named after her home state, Hawaii. I loved that. Now when I look at the block she sent me, I smile and think of her in Hawaii.

When I was looking for inspiration for my own blocks, I looked at the 12" block section of the Quilter's Cache and I saw a California block.  It looked like fun block so I sewed up a sample in my colors of aqua, orange and pink. My fabric choices left it kind of mushy looking. I still like the block, but I decided to go in a different direction for my bee blocks.

On the worktable, 4x5 Bee
Strings on the work table

I have a bin of 1.5" strips. Whenever I'm cutting up fabric for projects, I cut small leftover bits into 2.5" or 1.5" strips and save them. I looked through the colors, and I noticed I had a lot of aqua, yellow, red and gray. Perfect colors for the blocks I needed to make.

Modern 4x5 Quilt Bee
Scrappy block for Jill

I decided to make string blocks with a twist. After several failed attempts, I found one I really liked using half strings and half solid.

My favorite thing about participating in this bee is working with everyone's colors and pushing myself to make something different. Are you in any Quilt Bees? What do you like about them?



  1. I love that you're in the bee!

  2. Eek! I'm flattered to be mentioned! Thank you! Love your string blocks and look forward to receiving mine!

  3. I love your scrappy block. I think it's a great idea to cut your scraps into strips:)

  4. Love your idea - I was waiting to see what you were going to come up with for Q4 of the bee!

  5. love your blocks and think its a super idea that you cut scraps as you go.

  6. You will get there!!! I think my scraps secretly multiply while I'm sleeping. ; )



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