Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Look Ma, I Made a Pillowcase!

Sometimes you just need a quick, gratifying project.

This pillowcase tutorial is awesome!!!  All the seams are enclosed and it has a ta-da factor that I really love.  If you try it, don't think about it too much because it sounds confusing.  It's not.  There is a video too, if you need a boost.

You roll it up, sew it up and ta-da, a pillowcase!  They are kind of addicting.  I have two more in the works...  : ) 

*Disclaimer, I did NOT make the quilt.  I bought it from The Company Store a long time ago.

See you soon,


  1. The pillowcase looks great with the quilt! Thanks for sharing the tutorial with us. I might have to make up a few for gifts!

  2. Wow! I love this idea. Believe or not, I had Christmas gifts on my mind tonight and this would be perfect!

  3. How cute!! I need to take a look at the tutorial. Thank you for sharing the link with us.
    btw ... I made several other of the brick house blocks. They are so cute and fun. :o)
    Sincerely ~ Tricia

  4. What a great tutorial! I have to admit that it took me a couple of reads to understand how it worked! :-/

  5. What fabric is the robot/rocket ship? I love it and am hoping to track it down for my little guy. :)



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